Puzzle Classics Online

Puzzle classics

Puzzle classics with interactive A, B, C, D buttons


Puzzle classics

Puzzle classics with interactive A, B, C, D buttons

#39 Dec 20, 2021
It is possible to cross these 9 dots with 4 straight lines without taking your pencil off the paper. Note, while crossing a dot, the line must run through its center.What are the three angles at which...
#38 Dec 19, 2021
One digit appears the most in the first 100 numbers: 1, 2, 3, ..., 98, 99, 100.How many times does that digit appear in this range?
#37 Dec 19, 2021
After a cyclist has gone 2/3 his route, he gets a puncture. Finishing on foot, he spends twice as long walking as he did riding.How many times as fast does he ride as walk?
#36 Dec 17, 2021
Using hourglasses - a 4-min and a 7-min - measure out exactly 9 minutes.Which of the two hourglasses will you turn upside-down more times while accomplishing the task?
#35 Dec 16, 2021
Suppose you have an unmarked 3-gallon and an unmarked 5-gallon bottle that you can fill from a fountain of water.How to fill the 5-gallon bottle with exactly 4 gallons of water?To conserve the water, ...
#34 Dec 15, 2021
The 3D piece has been produced from a regular cube made of steel.How much does the piece weigh if the cube weighed 250 grams? All 6 openings on the sides are through holes.
#33 Dec 15, 2021
A passenger fell asleep on a train halfway to his destination. He slept till he had half as far to go as he went while he slept. How much of the while trip was he sleeping?
#32 Dec 14, 2021
One Letter-sized sheet is rolled into a cylinder along its long side (tall cylinder), while another - along its short side (short cylinder).Which of these two cylinders has the bigger volume - the tal...
#31 Dec 12, 2021
Once upon a time a farmer went to a market and purchased a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage. On his way home, the farmer came to the bank of a river and rented a boat. But crossing the river by boat, the f...
#30 Dec 11, 2021
A snail crawls up a pillar 7-yard tall. Every day she crawls up 3 yards, and every night she slides down 2 yards. How many days will it take for the snail to reach the top of the pillar?
#29 Dec 10, 2021
Name a number whose number of digits is equal to the number of letters in its name. For example, number 3 (three). One digit but 5 letters in its spelling. Thus, doesn't match.Hint. This number includ...
#28 Dec 09, 2021
A boy has as many sisters as brothers, but each sister has only half as many sisters as brothers.How many brothers and sisters are there in the family?
#27 Dec 08, 2021
Using five 1s and only ONE arithmetic sign, can you get one hundred?What arithmetic sign would it be?
#26 Dec 07, 2021
There are 10 bags of coins (the number of coins in each bag is the same).Nine bags contain gold coins, and one contains counterfeit coins. The weight of a real gold coin is 5 grams. The weight of a co...
#25 Dec 06, 2021
When was the latest year that is the same upside down?Which are the digits in that year?
#24 Dec 05, 2021
Two fathers and two sons on their way to Bombay found three silver rupees. They were able swiftly and evenly distribute the 3 coins among themselves without any quarreling. Each one received a coin.Wh...
#23 Dec 04, 2021
Grandma fries 3 croutons for breakfast. Each crouton takes 1 min to be fried on one side, but the pan is big enough just to hold 2 croutons.What is the shortest period of time the grandma can fry all ...
#22 Dec 03, 2021
If a bottle, partly filled with liquid, has a round, square, or rectangular bottom which is flat, it is possible to find its volume using only a ruler. What would be a critical condition?
#21 Dec 02, 2021
Yesterday I was 25. Next year I will be 28.What day this was said on?
#20 Dec 01, 2021
A loaf of bread weighs a pound and another half-loaf. How much does the loaf of bread weigh?
#39 | Dec 20, 2021
It is possible to cross these 9 dots with 4 straight lines without taking your pencil off the paper. Note, while crossing a dot, the line must run through its center.What are the three angles at which...
#38 | Dec 19, 2021
One digit appears the most in the first 100 numbers: 1, 2, 3, ..., 98, 99, 100.How many times does that digit appear in this range?
#37 | Dec 19, 2021
After a cyclist has gone 2/3 his route, he gets a puncture. Finishing on foot, he spends twice as long walking as he did riding.How many times as fast does he ride as walk?
#36 | Dec 17, 2021
Using hourglasses - a 4-min and a 7-min - measure out exactly 9 minutes.Which of the two hourglasses will you turn upside-down more times while accomplishing the task?
#35 | Dec 16, 2021
Suppose you have an unmarked 3-gallon and an unmarked 5-gallon bottle that you can fill from a fountain of water.How to fill the 5-gallon bottle with exactly 4 gallons of water?To conserve the water, ...
#34 | Dec 15, 2021
The 3D piece has been produced from a regular cube made of steel.How much does the piece weigh if the cube weighed 250 grams? All 6 openings on the sides are through holes.
#33 | Dec 15, 2021
A passenger fell asleep on a train halfway to his destination. He slept till he had half as far to go as he went while he slept. How much of the while trip was he sleeping?
#32 | Dec 14, 2021
One Letter-sized sheet is rolled into a cylinder along its long side (tall cylinder), while another - along its short side (short cylinder).Which of these two cylinders has the bigger volume - the tal...
#31 | Dec 12, 2021
Once upon a time a farmer went to a market and purchased a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage. On his way home, the farmer came to the bank of a river and rented a boat. But crossing the river by boat, the f...
#30 | Dec 11, 2021
A snail crawls up a pillar 7-yard tall. Every day she crawls up 3 yards, and every night she slides down 2 yards. How many days will it take for the snail to reach the top of the pillar?
#29 | Dec 10, 2021
Name a number whose number of digits is equal to the number of letters in its name. For example, number 3 (three). One digit but 5 letters in its spelling. Thus, doesn't match.Hint. This number includ...
#28 | Dec 09, 2021
A boy has as many sisters as brothers, but each sister has only half as many sisters as brothers.How many brothers and sisters are there in the family?
#27 | Dec 08, 2021
Using five 1s and only ONE arithmetic sign, can you get one hundred?What arithmetic sign would it be?
#26 | Dec 07, 2021
There are 10 bags of coins (the number of coins in each bag is the same).Nine bags contain gold coins, and one contains counterfeit coins. The weight of a real gold coin is 5 grams. The weight of a co...
#25 | Dec 06, 2021
When was the latest year that is the same upside down?Which are the digits in that year?
#24 | Dec 05, 2021
Two fathers and two sons on their way to Bombay found three silver rupees. They were able swiftly and evenly distribute the 3 coins among themselves without any quarreling. Each one received a coin.Wh...
#23 | Dec 04, 2021
Grandma fries 3 croutons for breakfast. Each crouton takes 1 min to be fried on one side, but the pan is big enough just to hold 2 croutons.What is the shortest period of time the grandma can fry all ...
#22 | Dec 03, 2021
If a bottle, partly filled with liquid, has a round, square, or rectangular bottom which is flat, it is possible to find its volume using only a ruler. What would be a critical condition?
#21 | Dec 02, 2021
Yesterday I was 25. Next year I will be 28.What day this was said on?
#20 | Dec 01, 2021
A loaf of bread weighs a pound and another half-loaf. How much does the loaf of bread weigh?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

We’ve gathered a collection of the most “classic” brainteasers which survived through years and continents. We’ve added visuals and some options for your convenience to solve them online. You will recognize a lot of them, though some of these brain teaser puzzles can happen to appear rather “new” to you due to the twist(s) in their particular interpretation(s).

Among the brain teasers in this collection you will find lateral thinking puzzles, visual puzzles, spatial puzzles, lateral thinking puzzles, logic puzzles and much more.

A good portion is about math riddles. A bunch of geometry puzzles.

Among the best brain teaser puzzles you would find such classics as:

- Eight Queens Puzzle

- A Chessboard and Grains of Rice

- Hotel Guests and Extra $1

- The 1st Riddle of the Sphinx

- The 2nd Riddle of the Sphinx

- Six Glasses Problem

- Dissecting a Horseshoe

- The Wolf, Goat and Cabbage Challenge

Enjoy both the solving and the recognition processes of these “good old” mind puzzlers!