Puzzle Classics Online

Puzzle classics

Puzzle classics with interactive A, B, C, D buttons


Puzzle classics

Puzzle classics with interactive A, B, C, D buttons

#99 Feb 18, 2022
Is it possible to draw this shape without: a) taking your pencil off the paper; and b) going over any segment twice?
#98 Feb 17, 2022
Moving just one digit to a new position makes this equation correct. Moving of the signs is not allowed.What digit is it?
#97 Feb 16, 2022
Arrange the numbers 1 to 9 in the cells of a 3x3 square so that the sum of every row, column and each of the two main diagonals is the same.What sum it should be?
#96 Feb 15, 2022
Can you place the numbers 1 through 9 in this circle so that every straight line across the wheel adds up to 15?7 is already placed in the wheel. What number will go in the opposite circle in that lin...
#95 Feb 14, 2022
Which option should replace the question mark in order to complete the top sequence?
#94 Feb 13, 2022
What is the final number in this sequence?
#93 Feb 12, 2022
What number can be added to both 170 and 30 so that the resultant sums have a ratio of 3:1?
#92 Feb 11, 2022
These two regular polygons - an equilateral triangle and a regular hexagon - have equal perimeters. What is the ratio of their areas?
#91 Feb 10, 2022
The 8oz glass is fully filled. The 5oz and 3oz ones are empty.Goal: get at least one glass to hold 4oz of water by pouring water from one glass to another. How many moves would you need?
#90 Feb 09, 2022
How many squares of any size can you create by connecting four pegs in the arrangement shown?
#89 Feb 08, 2022
Can you make a perfect star from three identical strips of translucent paper?When the star is produced how many common points/dots are shared by ALL THREE strips in that star?
#88 Feb 07, 2022
How many numbers can you write using three 2s and no other symbols?
#87 Feb 07, 2022
On every birthday since I was born, I have had a cake decorated with the appropriate number of candles. I have blown out 210 candles so far. How old am I?
#86 Feb 05, 2022
Three neighbors live in a gated compound. Each of their houses is painted a different color; and each has a private gate that is painted to match the house.Ideally, all three houses would be connected...
#85 Feb 04, 2022
Gordon, Stanley and Bobby are, not necessarily in that order, the striker, defender and goalkeeper. The goalkeeper, the shortest of the three, is a bachelor. Gordon, who is Stanley′s father-in-law, is...
#84 Feb 03, 2022
If eight men can dig sixteen holes in thirty-two days, how long will it take four men to dig eight holes of the same size?
#83 Feb 03, 2022
Each letter represents a different digit, and M is not zero. The solution is unique. When all the letters are replaced with the respective digits, what is the sum of the digits replacing M and E?
#82 Feb 03, 2022
A bookworm finds itself on page 1 of volume 1 and begins eating straight through to the last page of volume 5. If each book is 2 1/2“ thick, including the front and the back covers, which are 1/4“ eac...
#81 Feb 02, 2022
This two-cube calendar numerically represents every day in a month. What are the four digits that are hidden from the view on the left cube, and the three on the right one?
#80 Jan 31, 2022
The digits in the left column add up to a different total than the digits in the right column. By swapping just 2 cards it’s possible to make the two columns adding up to the same total.What card must...
#99 | Feb 18, 2022
Is it possible to draw this shape without: a) taking your pencil off the paper; and b) going over any segment twice?
#98 | Feb 17, 2022
Moving just one digit to a new position makes this equation correct. Moving of the signs is not allowed.What digit is it?
#97 | Feb 16, 2022
Arrange the numbers 1 to 9 in the cells of a 3x3 square so that the sum of every row, column and each of the two main diagonals is the same.What sum it should be?
#96 | Feb 15, 2022
Can you place the numbers 1 through 9 in this circle so that every straight line across the wheel adds up to 15?7 is already placed in the wheel. What number will go in the opposite circle in that lin...
#95 | Feb 14, 2022
Which option should replace the question mark in order to complete the top sequence?
#94 | Feb 13, 2022
What is the final number in this sequence?
#93 | Feb 12, 2022
What number can be added to both 170 and 30 so that the resultant sums have a ratio of 3:1?
#92 | Feb 11, 2022
These two regular polygons - an equilateral triangle and a regular hexagon - have equal perimeters. What is the ratio of their areas?
#91 | Feb 10, 2022
The 8oz glass is fully filled. The 5oz and 3oz ones are empty.Goal: get at least one glass to hold 4oz of water by pouring water from one glass to another. How many moves would you need?
#90 | Feb 09, 2022
How many squares of any size can you create by connecting four pegs in the arrangement shown?
#89 | Feb 08, 2022
Can you make a perfect star from three identical strips of translucent paper?When the star is produced how many common points/dots are shared by ALL THREE strips in that star?
#88 | Feb 07, 2022
How many numbers can you write using three 2s and no other symbols?
#87 | Feb 07, 2022
On every birthday since I was born, I have had a cake decorated with the appropriate number of candles. I have blown out 210 candles so far. How old am I?
#86 | Feb 05, 2022
Three neighbors live in a gated compound. Each of their houses is painted a different color; and each has a private gate that is painted to match the house.Ideally, all three houses would be connected...
#85 | Feb 04, 2022
Gordon, Stanley and Bobby are, not necessarily in that order, the striker, defender and goalkeeper. The goalkeeper, the shortest of the three, is a bachelor. Gordon, who is Stanley′s father-in-law, is...
#84 | Feb 03, 2022
If eight men can dig sixteen holes in thirty-two days, how long will it take four men to dig eight holes of the same size?
#83 | Feb 03, 2022
Each letter represents a different digit, and M is not zero. The solution is unique. When all the letters are replaced with the respective digits, what is the sum of the digits replacing M and E?
#82 | Feb 03, 2022
A bookworm finds itself on page 1 of volume 1 and begins eating straight through to the last page of volume 5. If each book is 2 1/2“ thick, including the front and the back covers, which are 1/4“ eac...
#81 | Feb 02, 2022
This two-cube calendar numerically represents every day in a month. What are the four digits that are hidden from the view on the left cube, and the three on the right one?
#80 | Jan 31, 2022
The digits in the left column add up to a different total than the digits in the right column. By swapping just 2 cards it’s possible to make the two columns adding up to the same total.What card must...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

We’ve gathered a collection of the most “classic” brainteasers which survived through years and continents. We’ve added visuals and some options for your convenience to solve them online. You will recognize a lot of them, though some of these brain teaser puzzles can happen to appear rather “new” to you due to the twist(s) in their particular interpretation(s).

Among the brain teasers in this collection you will find lateral thinking puzzles, visual puzzles, spatial puzzles, lateral thinking puzzles, logic puzzles and much more.

A good portion is about math riddles. A bunch of geometry puzzles.

Among the best brain teaser puzzles you would find such classics as:

- Eight Queens Puzzle

- A Chessboard and Grains of Rice

- Hotel Guests and Extra $1

- The 1st Riddle of the Sphinx

- The 2nd Riddle of the Sphinx

- Six Glasses Problem

- Dissecting a Horseshoe

- The Wolf, Goat and Cabbage Challenge

Enjoy both the solving and the recognition processes of these “good old” mind puzzlers!