
An Outfit Brand

A big American department store retailer just launched a new outfit brand for men. The brand’s name consists of two words, each of which starts with a different vowel letter.

Can you detect if the shown logo must be rotated or remain intact to adequately represent the original one?


There are 5 vowel letters in English alphabet: A, E, I, O and U. From the logo’s 3D design it can be seen the letters “O” and “U” are hidden in it, when the logo is rotated at 180 degrees.

The two letters are the beginning letters of the brand’s name: Original Use. The brand was launched in August 2018 by Target Corporation – the 2nd largest department store retailer in the United States, behind Walmart.

Check Remain intact
Check Clockwise: 90 degrees
Check Counterclockwise: 90 degrees
Check 180 degrees