
The Webmaster Algebra

by Serhiy Grabarchuk Jr

Solution Step 0/0

A webmaster looked at the ad revenues at his website. The account showed “Today’s Earnings” as $0.01, “Yesterday’s Earnings” as $1.33, and “This Month’s Earnings” as X.

The very next day the webmaster logged in once again. This time, “Today’s Earnings” was $0.04, while “Yesterday’s Earnings” was $1.51, and “This Month’s Earnings” was now $9.69.

Given that both days are in the same month, can you determine the X?


“Today’s Earnings” of $0.01 from day 1 are a part of “Yesterday’s Earnings” of $1.51 from day 2. Thus, an additional amount of $1.50 has been earned for day 1.

Adding the $0.04 in “Today’s Earnings” from day 2, makes $1.54 earned in total between the two logins. That amount added to X from day 1 gives the total amount earned as of day 2: $9.69.

Thus, X = $9.69 – $1.54 = $8.15.

Check Between $7.91 & $8.04
Check Between $8.05 & $8.13
Check Between $8.14 & $8.35
Check Between $8.36 & $8.42