
San Jose Puzzle

by Serhiy Grabarchuk Jr

Solution Step 0/0

16 US Cities are split into two groups of eight cities each. Group 1 is on the left and Group 2 is on the right.

Into which group and after which city in that group the city of San Jose will go?


In Group 1 the initial letter of a city’s first word precedes in English alphabet the initial letter of the city’s second word. For example, alphabetically “B” precedes “H” in [B]everly [H]ills.

In Group 2 it is vice versa – the initial letter of a city’s first word is placed after the initial letter of the city’s second word in English alphabet. For example, from the city of [L]os [A]ngeles the “L” goes after the “A” in context of the alphabet.

Based on this, [S]an [J]ose belongs to Group 2.

In every group the cities are arranged alphabetically based on their second words. Thus, in Group 2 the city of San Jose should be inserted between New Haven and St. Louis, i.e. after the 4th city in that group.

Check Group 1, after the 4th city
Check Group 1, before the 5th city
Check Group 2, after the 4th city
Check Group 2, before the 5th city