
The Dice’ Stack

Solution Step 0/0
In this stack of three regular dice, 13 faces are visible - 3 from each of the four sides and the 13th - the top one.

What is the sum of spots on the hidden faces?


Yes, it can be done.

In a regular die the opposite faces add up to 7. Five faces are hidden:
a) two opposite faces in the bottom die (7 in total);
b) two opposite faces in the middle die (7 in total);
c) the face “3“ in the top die, as the opposite face to the visible “4“ face at the top.

(a) + (b) + (c) = 17.

The overall rule for such a challenge when three dice are stacked up is as follows:
21 minus the top visible face of the stack. This gives the sum of the spots on all the hidden faces in the stack.

[After Boris A. Kordemsky. The Moscow Puzzles: 359 mathematical recreations. 1972]
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Puzzle The Dice’ Stack

Puzzle The Dice’ Stack