
The 3 Croutons’ Challenge

Solution Step 0/0
Grandma fries 3 croutons for breakfast. Each crouton takes 1 min to be fried on one side, but the pan is big enough just to hold 2 croutons.

What is the shortest period of time the grandma can fry all 3 croutons on both sides?


Grandma handles everything in just 3 minutes.

Grandma's steps:

1st Minute. Croutons 1 and 2 are fried on one side.
2nd Minute. Crouton 1 is taken out of the pan and replaced with crouton 3. Crouton 2 is turned over. Both croutons are then fried for another minute. At the end of this 2nd minute crouton 2 is fully fried. Crouton 2 is taken out of the pan.
3rd Minute. Crouton 1 is brought back to the pan to be fried on another side. Crouton 3 is turned over. The final 3rd minute is spent making both croutons 1 and 3 fully fried.
Check 2.5 minutes
Check 3 minutes
Check 4 minutes
Check 4.5 minutes

Puzzle The 3 Croutons’ Challenge

Puzzle The 3 Croutons’ Challenge