
Interesting Fractions

Solution Step 0/0
If to the numerator and denominator of the fraction 1/3 you add its denominator, 3, the fraction will double.

Find a fraction which will:
A. Triple when its denominator is added to its numerator and its denominator.
B. Quadruple.


Any fraction with 1 for numerator and any odd number (2n - 1) for denominator increases to n times its value when its denominator is added to tis numerator and to its denominator.

[After Boris A. Kordemsky. The Moscow Puzzles: 359 mathematical recreations. 1972]
Check A: 1/4. B: 1/6
Check A: 1/5. B: 1/7
Check A: 1/6. B: 1/8
Check A: 1/7. B: 1/9

Puzzle Interesting Fractions

Puzzle Interesting Fractions