
Grandpa and Lollypops

Solution Step 0/0
Before allowing his grandchildren eat the lollypops he just bought, the grandpa posed a challenge to divide the lollypops into 2 parts, so that the smaller part, multiplied by 4, would be equal to the larger part, divided by 3.

What is the minimum possible amount of lollypops the grandpa brought?


13 lollypops (baker's dozen) split into the two groups of 1 and 12, so that to satisfy the grandpa's condition:
1 x 4 = 12 / 3.

Also, any other pair of numbers with the ratio of 1:12 will also work. The 1+12 = 13 is the least possible one.
Check Half a dozen
Check A dozen
Check Baker’s dozen
Check Two dozens

Puzzle Grandpa and Lollypops

Puzzle Grandpa and Lollypops