
From 1 to 7 in two Circles

Solution Step 0/0
Digits 1 through 7 have to be filled into the seven circles so that the sum on the big circumference, the sum on the small circumference and each of the three sums on the straight segments are all 12.

What digit will go into the middle circle?


The “4“ should go into the middle circle.

The proof. The total of the 1-7 digits is 28. The two circumferences don′t have any digit in common. As a result they will employ 2 x 12 = 24 in total. Thus, the middle circle, which doesn′t belong to any of these two circumferences should absorb the difference: 28 - 24 = 4.
Check 4
Check 5
Check 6
Check 7

Puzzle From 1 to 7 in two Circles

Puzzle From 1 to 7 in two Circles