
Finding the Center of a Circle

Solution Step 0/0
Using only a drafting triangle and a pencil it is possible to find the center of a circle.

How many times will you need to change the position of the drafting triangle to reach the goal? The initial placement is counted as the 1st change.


4 times.

Place C, the right angle of the drafting triangle on the circumference, as is shown (1st change of the position). D and E, where triangle's legs cross the circumference, are the endpoints of a diameter. Draw it (2nd change).

Now get a second diameter the same way (3rd and 4th changes respectively).

The intersection of these two diameters is the center of the circle.

[After Boris A. Kordemsky. The Moscow Puzzles: 359 mathematical recreations. 1972]
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Puzzle Finding the Center of a Circle

Puzzle Finding the Center of a Circle