

Solution Step 0/0
A bookworm finds itself on page 1 of volume 1 and begins eating straight through to the last page of volume 5. If each book is 2 1/2“ thick, including the front and the back covers, which are 1/4“ each, what is the distance the bookworm travels?


When all 5 volumes are lined up on the shelf, from 1 through 5, it can be seen the bookworm eats through only the front cover of volume 1, all of volumes 2, 3 and 4, and only the back cover of volume 5. Each respective distance is marked in the diagram.

Hence, the total distance the bookworm travels is 8“.
Check 9 1/2 in
Check 9 in
Check 8 1/2 in
Check 8 in

Puzzle Bookworm

Puzzle Bookworm